Monday, April 24, 2017

3 ideas

1. The self benefits of giving
2. why we chose nursing homes
3. benefits of knitting

Thursday, April 20, 2017

they say i say

Macy Schares
They say I say one pager

It is often said that the gift of giving is the best gift of all. However, when some people say this others automatically assume that this is said so that the person talking doesn’t look greedy. However scientist’s research says that the cliché stated in the first sentence is actually completely accurate; and I definitely agree. It is said that doing things for others improves your mood and can even improve your financial standing.

            In an article on Mom Blog Society, Sonja Lyubomirsky, a happiness expert from the University of California Riverside, explained that giving actually stimulates the pleasure part of the brain, releasing endorphins which leads to a term she calls “helpers high.”  This “high” comes from oxytocin that is also released while giving. It is more commonly recognized as a hormone produced breast feeding. The hormone oxytocin helps create a feeling of warmth and grow a bond between people, so essentially while you are giving you are also bonding with the person on the receiving end. Sonja also found that by acting positively, you are more prone to recognize the positive things in your life. In this article Sonja also explains that, “in giving, we are boosting our mood, which, in turn, provides us with greater benefits when it comes to our physical and mental health.”

            I agree with Sonja one hundred percent on how giving, and helping others is a mood booster. It makes me think back to times when I have gave someone a gift or helped someone in a time of need, when their face lights up it truly warms your heart, and leaves you feeling on top of the world. This feeling is not a fluke either it happens time and time again. I may dread getting up early on Saturday mornings to help at the nursing home, but by the end of the day I know I made a difference in their life and that is the best feeling ever. However, I also believe part of this euphoric feeling is on the receivers end. Giving is not just about getting, but I believe it is about making a difference in someone’s life, or bringing a little bit of joy to them. So, if we focus on giving and doing good for others naturally good will also come back in return.

Monday, April 17, 2017

field work

                This weekend as a part of field work for project Casting on for a Cause, Maddie and I went and purchased more supplies to continue on knitting since I had just ran out of yarn. After purchasing more supplies Maddie and I went to go knit some more, which is when I finished my very first scarf (pretty proud of this.) After talking for a while we realized that we were starting to produce scarves pretty fast and that this project could become costly so we started a go fund me page where we have already made fifteen dollars in just three days. I now am half way done with my second scarf as well and am looking forward to setting up meeting times with a nursing home in the area. Hopefully now with the fundraising we can also provide supplies for other people volunteering to help us with project Casting on for a Cause.

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Friday, March 24, 2017


I am planning on continuing with my project, casting on for a cause, however, with slight modifications. The majority of the project is the same, however, we have recently recruited another person who loves to knit but is not in this class to help us produce more scarfs. We are also looking into asking the knitting club to help out and possibly student government. I think this project is extremely worthwhile, especially since my experiences in the last week. This past week I have been spending time at the Hiawatha Care Center which is a long term care nursing home. I have been doing clinicals to become a nurse aide and have been getting to know the residents. Every time I go in the residents have so much they want to talk about, or they tell me that they love when I come because I am nicer to them than most of the workers. In particular though there is one resident who is a perfect example of why I really want to follow through with this project, her name is Ivy. Everytime I go to the care center and am with Ivy she tells me that she hates the way she is living, everybody haters her, and she feels like a pain in the ass and “knows she is too.” With this project I think it would maybe for at least one day make her feel appreciated and feel liked and if I can at least put a smile on peoples face that feel the way Ivy does, then I will know that this project was worthwhile. 

Thursday, March 2, 2017

One pager

            Macy Schares
Perspective p.7
One pager
Many people observe knitting as an old lady hobby used to pass time. This is probably because that is how knitting is portrayed in many movies and television shows. However, it is recently becoming a more popular activity among the youth, especially high school aged students. Another common thing thought about knitting is that it is a lengthy project used for gift giving or selling for personal profit. Lastly, it is thought to be a thoughtless activity.
            In the article “How to Knit a Scarf for beginners,” on Sheep and Stitch, they show that actually a lot of thought goes into knitting. First is the pattern you are looking for, then the yarn color and size, next the needle size that works best with the yarn size of your choice, and lastly the desired length of the scarf so that you can purchase yarn accordingly. This article also pulls life lessons into knitting, like how “practice makes perfect” and teaches you that you must move on from your mistakes, and leave them behind you. They show how important this life lesson is especially in knitting because it takes a lot of practice, and it’s easy to make a mistake while knitting. On top of all of this it brings up that knitting also has many health benefits. They say that knitting is a great stress reliever and can help your mind be focused on something other than the negatives in your life for at least a short while.
            I agree with this article I think that a lot of thought goes into knitting and teaches some great lessons. However, what I agree with most in this article is that there are health benefits that go along with knitting. I have noticed that while I am knitting I am not worried about all of the stressful things in my life, and I just sort of worry about what is happening in the moment. It also allows great social interaction when you knit with friends and others. Like I said before many people believe you don’t get very much out of knitting besides a scarf, hat, or sweater; but it is proven by scientists that giving improves people’s moods. I think this is especially true of when you give someone a scarf or something that you made yourself because of all of the time you put into it.

            I think that many people will be surprised by how big of a difference such a small thing like knitting a scarf can make, when I am done with my twenty-time project. Since I have started I have already strengthened friendships and felt my overall stress diminish. However, the biggest difference will be when the scarves are donated to a nursing home to show the elderly that they are still appreciated by the youth in society. Also I am hoping that this will create even more relationships for me and the elderly. Maybe I will even start to knit with them in my free time. 

Thursday, February 23, 2017

week 3

So far I have learned how to knit and started on my first scarf. Along with this I have done some research on the effects of living in a nursing home on mood; and the effects of giving and receiving gifts.
Maddie and I are in the process of making a go fund me page to raise money for more yarn and needles. We have also talked about asking sororities from Iowa State University to help knit for us, and also have thought of asking student government and people around the school. We plan to host a knitting party for anyone that wants to help with our project or just to learn how to knit.

So far I think we are in a pretty good spot in our project but I have realized that I am going to need to knit a lot because making a scarf takes a long time. However, Maddie is super fast at knitting and if we find more people to help we will be in great shape.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Checking in


This sounds like a really interesting idea. Do you know anyone who works with the elderly who might be an in for you? Also, it might help you to think about recruiting others who might be interesting in knitting like the knitting club and seeing if they would be willing to contribute.