Friday, March 24, 2017


I am planning on continuing with my project, casting on for a cause, however, with slight modifications. The majority of the project is the same, however, we have recently recruited another person who loves to knit but is not in this class to help us produce more scarfs. We are also looking into asking the knitting club to help out and possibly student government. I think this project is extremely worthwhile, especially since my experiences in the last week. This past week I have been spending time at the Hiawatha Care Center which is a long term care nursing home. I have been doing clinicals to become a nurse aide and have been getting to know the residents. Every time I go in the residents have so much they want to talk about, or they tell me that they love when I come because I am nicer to them than most of the workers. In particular though there is one resident who is a perfect example of why I really want to follow through with this project, her name is Ivy. Everytime I go to the care center and am with Ivy she tells me that she hates the way she is living, everybody haters her, and she feels like a pain in the ass and “knows she is too.” With this project I think it would maybe for at least one day make her feel appreciated and feel liked and if I can at least put a smile on peoples face that feel the way Ivy does, then I will know that this project was worthwhile. 

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